Technically Supported By World Leading Company EnviroWay, Canada

Specialists in providing high quality and environment friendly cleaning solutions to every community and industry for over three decades, with their extensive research and testing capabilities to develop comprehensive, seamless solutions based on green chemistry.

Enviroway Products

Process Management

Project Management
We offer total water solutions for industry, institutions and government by integrating, bio-augmentation, treatment chemicals, process technology, design engineering and project management capability.
EnviroWay Bioscience Pvt. Ltd., India pioneered biological treatment in India and is today the country’s premier company in wastewater treatment and reuse, with a strong industrial presence. We offer a complete portfolio of advanced environmental solutions and services spanning water and wastewater for infrastructure, industrial, municipal and institutional applications.
Dedicated to purification of wastewater and in turn protection of environment, with nearly thousand projects in almost all possible applications of water treatment in every industry, we have been combining systematically innovative engineering technologies with biological and chemical products. We take end-to-end responsibility of planning, integrating and managing water on supply, quantity, quality, discharge and environmental fronts. By creating quantifiable benefits, we demonstrate how efficient water management as a value investment.

We have vast experience in Waste Water Treatment & Reuse
EnviroWay offers a portfolio of products and systems designed to effectively meet the demands and challenges of treating water & wastewater. EnviroWay’s full range of scientifically formulated, high performance specialty chemicals and microbial products are used successfully around the world in many of the most demanding treatment processes where they help to maximize performance and reduce costs.
We take care of the environment
We take care of natural resources and protect native ecosystems. We use the most efficient, environmentally-friendly, and inexpensive means to create the best results for our clients.